I started doing some stash busting because I want new yarn, damn it!
This is a super easy design and though my husband thinks these scarves look like Swiffer pads, I actually think they're kind of cute. If I didn't have so many I wouldn't be donating them to charity.
That's right - I went to a Jaycee meeting. And found out about the winter gear drive. And decided I'd do some stash busting and knit some stuff to donate, plus get rid of some of my older creations that I don't necessarily want to keep around because I want the chance to design new stuff.
So here's the Voodoo Scarf pattern, without further ado:

US Size 50 knitting needles (aka "Speed Stix" or 25.00 mm needles)
6 skeins of Patons Voodoo
Take three skeins of Patons Voodoo and holding as one, cast on five stitches.
Knit garter stitch until complete. A typical adult sized scarf will be about 2 skeins long, because they make these ones darn skinny. Good thing that they were at the Dollar Tree.