Friday, November 22, 2013

There is a holiday for EVERYTHING now (some funny, some serious)

Did you know yesterday was Alascattalo Day?

Yeah, neither did I. Apparently its an Alaskan thing. A cross between a walrus and a moose is something that's celebrated. Strange. But I guess they'd probably look at Pulaski Day as something very strange in Alaska.
Kazimierz Pułaski.PNG
(That's U.S. Brigadier General Pulaski, by the way)

But some holidays really mean something. Today is Humane Society Anniversary Day. Humane Societies are wonderful things - helping the creatures that get lost in poor decisions, sudden allergies, cruel and inhumane conditions, and the wild creatures that can't survive in the urban environment.
Isn't that a wonderful sight? This picture of the assistance of two pups in the desert was taken by Wonderlane, a flickr user.

So today I thank the people that volunteer, donate and manage the humane societies around the world, for doing such a wonderful service.
Look at that face! Can you imagine taking him home? Photo taken by AScappatura.

Instead of buying a pet, try to find one that needs a home. Donate to your local humane society. This holiday is for real and should be celebrated by everyone in the world. 

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